Editing / Uploading Files  Print

Editing Files


Certain files can be edited within the file manager.  To edit a file, click the "Edit" link in the "Action" column next to the file.



In this example we are editing dns.html.  To save the file, click the "Save As" button.


The "Preview HTML" button will pop up the document in a new window, allowing you to view the web page before saving it.  


Uploading Files


1.  Navigate to the directory where you want to upload files.

2.  Click the "Upload files to current directory" button at the bottom of the screen.



3.  You will see eight (8) fields.  Click the "Browse" button to select the files you wish to upload.

     Click on "Upload Even More Files" if you wish to upload more than eight files at one time.



5.  Click "Upload Files."


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