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How to add contacts or sub accounts  Imprimer cet article

To add a contact or sub account, first login and click on "My Account" on the top right of the screen.

If your already in the my account section there will be a drop down menu directly below "My Account" that will say "Hello (First Name)". (If you do not see the drop down menu, make sure to scroll to the top of the page).

1.) Click on the drop down menu and select "Contacts/Sub-Accounts".
User drop down menu

2.) Select a user to edit or create a new account by filling out the form. If you would like to grant this user access to your account be sure to select the checkbox. Additionally you can opt to send this user automated account email. When done click save.
Create or edit user

3. If you selected the check box to grant login access when the page reloads you will be able to create a password for your new user. In addition you can select what the user will have access to in your account. When finished click save.
User credentials

Your user can now access your account by logging into Ionblade from the sites home page with the email address and password used above.

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