
How to test your website on Ionblade's server with your computers "hosts" file  Print this Article

Why Change the Hosts File?

Changing your hosts file is a temporary measure to preview your site as it will load from your Ionblade server. Modifying the hosts file lets you tell your computer to not look at the parent DNS servers for information on how to reach your domain name. Instead, you are telling your computer that the domain name is located at a specific IP address, and to use the address in your hosts file when you type the domain into your browser.

This is very useful for development purposes, as you can work on the site your hosts file points to without disturbing traffic to an existing site.

Once you are done developing and/or testing your new site using this method, you can update your name servers for your domain to point to your Ionblade server, making the site live for all visitors. At that time you will want to also remove (or comment out) the line added to your hosts file, so you can be sure it's not masking any issues as the domain propagates to its new location.

Please Read
Ionblade highly recommends changing your hosts file instead of any other methods for development purposes.It will provide you with the most stable testing environment, since it allows the site to be built on the intended domain name. Other methods, including the use of temporary URLs, can cause issues when changing the site's domain after development including elements not being loaded or SSL certificates errors due to mixed content. Numerous instances of your URL are used in database entries, for instance, and these may not be changed automatically when updating your site's URL.

Editing Your Hosts File

All operating systems will have a hosts file like our example: localhost

Add the second line in this example to your hosts file, with the following edits:

  1. Replace "" with the server IP shown in your control panel (If your on Ionblade Shared hosting your IP may be You can view this by accessing your cPanel and looking within the Account Information section, as illustrated below:
    Cpanel theme X3 to view IP
    Note: In order to view this section within cPanel, your theme must be set to x3 and you may need to click Expand Stats and if you do not change your theme you may need to click Server Information. You can change your cPanel theme by clicking on the Change Style icon within the preferences section and selecting the x3 Theme. This information is shown on the bottom of your cPanel page and may require you to scroll down depending on your browser.
  2. Replace "" with your actual domain name.

You may deactivate a line by prefacing it with a "#" (as in the third line above). This will cause the line to be ignored when the file is utilized.

Note: Please keep in mind that the normal wait time for propagation of name server changes can be up to 48 hours. Remember to edit your hosts file after propagation has finished. This allows you to make sure that your network connection is performing as expected.

Flow chart to show how the hosts file works
Domain hosts file flow chart



Editing Hosts Files in Your Operating System

The following instructions are advanced steps for different operating systems.


Windows users are able to edit their hosts file directly on their PC.

Windows 8


  1. Select the Start key and locate Notepad. (If you do not see it on your current Start page, type "Notepad" and press Enter).

Right click on Notepad. You will see options appear on the bottom portion of the Start Page.

Select Run as administrator.

Browse to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc and open the hosts file.

Make the needed changes, as shown above, and close Notepad.

Save when prompted.


Windows 7 or Vista


  1. Browse to Start > All Programs > Accessories.

Right-click Notepad, and select Run as administrator.

Click Continue on the UAC prompt.

Click File > Open.

Browse to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc.

Change the file filter drop-down box from Text Documents (*.txt) to All Files (*.*).

Select hosts, and click Open.

Make the needed changes, as shown above, and close Notepad.

Save when prompted.


Windows XP and Earlier


  1. Browse to Start > Find > Files and Folders.

Select the hosts file in your Windows directory (or WINNT\system32\drivers\etc).

Verify that the file is not "read only" by right-clicking it, and choosingProperties.

Open the file for editing with Notepad.

There should already be an entry for "localhost." Earlier versions of Windows have different formats for hosts file entries. Be sure to follow the same format as you find in your file when inserting the Ionblade IP and the domain name:


On Windows98 and Windows95, the order may be hostnameIP address.

On Windows2000 and WindowsME, the order is IP addresshostname.


  1. Make the needed changes and close Notepad.

Save when prompted.


You may also need to reboot for the change to take effect. The next time you visit your domain, your browser will try to find the domain at the corresponding IP instead of looking up the IP through DNS.

Mac OS X

Follow the instructions below to edit your hosts file if you are running Mac OS X.


  1. Open the Terminal application. Start by typing Terminal on the Spotlight or by going to Applications > Utilities > Terminal.

Open the hosts file by typing in the Terminal that you have just opened:

sudo nano /private/etc/hosts

Note: Some versions of Mac OS X will lock permissions on the hosts file (the file is marked as immutable). In the event this happens, use the following command instead: sudo chflags nouchg /private/etc/host


Type your user password when prompted.

The hosts file contains some comments (lines starting with the # symbol), as well as some default hostname mappings (e.g. localhost). Simply append your new mappings underneath the default ones. You can navigate the file using the arrow keys.

Replace "" with the server IP that Ionblade provided you in your cPanel. Replace with your actual domain name. Additional domains, subdomains or addon domains (such as can be added at the end of the line, separated by spaces.


When done editing the hosts file, press Control-o to save the file.

Press Enter on the filename prompt, and Control-x to exit the editor.



On Unix-based systems, you can find the hosts file at /etc/hosts. Most distributions of Unix will have terminal located in the same location.

To open the terminal:


  1. Go to Menu.

Select Applications.

Choose Accessories.

Select Terminal.


To edit the hosts file:

Unix users can edit hosts files in the same process as Mac users. Please refer to steps 2 through 4 in the Mac section above.

DNS Flush

Once you have modified your hosts file, it is recommended that you flush your DNS so that the new changes can be implemented more swiftly. DNS flushing must be done using command line. Depending on your computer's OS, there will be different commands.

For more information please see the following related article Flush DNS.

Unix users can edit hosts files in the same process as Mac users. Please refer to steps 2 through 4 in the Mac section above.

Test Connection Using Ping

Once you have modified your hosts file and Flushed your DNS, you can test if your computer is connecting to the right IP by doing a ping.


To ping a domain on a Windows-based machine:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, select Run.
  2. Type cmd.
  3. Type the command ping followed by the domain name you wish to ping. For example:
  4. Press Enter.
  5. Once the process is complete make sure the IP for your Ionblade server is returned with each ping.


To ping a domain on an Apple-based machine:

  1. In the Spotlight search feature, locate Network Utility.
    • If you do not have the Spotlight search feature on your device, try locating the Network Utility by navigating to Applications > Utilities.
  2. Select the Ping tab.
  3. Enter the domain name you wish to ping.
  4. Click Ping.
  5. Once the process is complete make sure the IP for your Ionblade server is returned with each ping.



To ping a domain on a Linux-based machine:

  1. Access telnet/terminal window.
  2. Type the command ping, followed by the domain name you wish to ping. For example:
  3. Press Enter.
  4. Once the process is complete make sure the IP for your Ionblade server is returned with each ping.

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