Using Installatron  Stampa Articolo

  1. Log into your Ionblade account
  2. Click "Services" on the left side of the page
  3. Under "Services" click "My Services"
  4. To the right of the product that you would like to use Installatron with, click "Manage"
  5. Enter your cPanel through the button on the right under "Actions" titled "Log in to cPanel"
  6. From your cPanel, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and in the last section, click "View All"
  7. This will show you a list of the features you can install through Installatron
  8. If you scroll down to WordPress and click on it, it will show you all the features they offer.
  9. Be sure to select the correct domain that you would like to add WordPress to and ensure the settings are all desired
  10. Click "Install"

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