Server Profile  Tisknout tento článek


The Server Profile interface allows you to select a server’s profile, based on the service that you want your server to provide. This allows you to manage specific services to reduce the resource load of a server. You can also configure optional roles for certain profiles.

The Server Profile interface

This interface lets you configure your server profile. The system will guide you through the process.

  • Your cPanel license may limit some of the functions in this interface.

  • Your cPanel license determines the available server profiles. If you want to change a server’s profile, you must upgrade your license.

Select Profile

Use this interface to select a server profile. The star icon (Default) represents the server’s current profile. You can click the info icon (Info) by a profile’s description to display which roles that profile affects.

  • Some profile settings disable features in the WHM and cPanel interfaces. For more information about each profile and role, read our How to Use Server Profiles documentation.

  • If a server profile enables a service, the system will also enable service monitoring. To disable a service’s monitoring, use WHM’s Service Manager interface (WHM >> Home >> Service Configuration >> Service Manager).

  • We do not recommend using experimental profiles on production environments. For the development status of server profiles, read our Server Profiles Roadmap documentation.

  • You must install PostgreSQL to enable the optional PostgreSQL role.

Select a server profile, then click Continue. The Select Options interface will appear.

You can select from the following server profiles:

Standard Node

This profile provides all services and has access to all cPanel features.

  • Enabled roles — All.

  • Disabled roles — None.

  • Optional roles — None.

DNS Node

This profile only provides services and cPanel features that allow the system to serve Domain Name System (DNS) zones.

  • Enabled roles — DNSLocal MailSend Mail

  • Disabled roles — Calendars and ContactsFile StorageFTPPostgreSQLReceive MailSpam FilterWeb DiskWebmailWeb Server

  • Optional roles — MySQL/MariaDBRelay Mail

Mail Node

  • A standalone Mail Node server is not experimental.

  • Linking two servers is experimental and not recommended for production environments. For more information about the development status for experimental profiles, read our Server Profiles Roadmap documentation.

  • Do not make changes directly to userdata files on a linked Mail Node server. Any change could cause the servers to become out of sync, which we do not support.

  • You must manually update system settings on a linked Mail Node (for example, Tweak Settings or Exim configuration settings).

This profile that only provides services and cPanel features that allow the system to serve mail.

  • Enabled roles — Calendars and ContactsLocal MailReceive MailRelay MailSend MailWebmail

  • Disabled roles — File StorageFTPWeb DiskWeb Server

  • Optional roles — DNSMySQL/MariaDBPostgreSQLSpam Filter

Database Node


This profile is experimental.

This profile only provides services and cPanel features that allow the system to serve databases.

  • Enabled roles — MySQL/MariaDBLocal MailSend Mail

  • Disabled roles — Calendars and ContactsDNSFile StorageFTPReceive MailRelay MailSpam FilterWeb DiskWebmailWeb Server

  • Optional roles — PostgreSQL

Select Options

  • This interface is only available for the Database NodeDNS Node, and Mail Node profiles.

  • If you select the Database Node profile, the server must have PostgreSQL® installed to view this interface.

This interface lets you select optional server roles. Set the toggle to enable or disable the roles you want, then click Continue. The Review Changes interface will appear.

Review Changes

This interface displays the server profile’s current role configuration. Use it to review the status of each role, whether enabled, disabled, or unaffected by your changes.


The system will not let you proceed if there is no change in the profile’s configuration. You must select a new configuration to proceed.

Click Set Profile to activate the profile. The Activating Profile interface will appear. To change your profile configuration, click Cancel to return to the previous interface.

Activating Profile

The Activating Profile interface activates the profile. Click Show Details to display the activation log in real-time. You can also use the system directory link provided in the interface to view the log.


The profile activation process does not terminate if you close the browser window.

The system notifies you when it completes the profile activation. Click Go Back to return to the Select Profile interface.

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