The wwwacct Script  طباعة


This script creates a cPanel account. This script also sets up the new account’s domain information.

You can also create a account with the WHM API 1 createacct function.

Run the script

To run this script on the command line, use the following format:

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/wwwacct domain user pass [options]


Use the following options with this script:

Options Type Description Possible values Example
domain string Required - The account’s main domain name. ItemFour
user string Required - The account’s username. ItemFour user
pass string Required - The account’s password. ItemFour 12345luggage
quota integer The account’s disk space quota. This parameter defaults to 0. (unlimited) ItemFour 0
cpmod string The account’s cPanel theme. This parameter defaults to the default package’s Theme setting. ItemFour paper_lantern
ip string Whether the account possesses a dedicated IP address. This parameter defaults to n. ItemFour n
cgi string Whether the account has CGI access. This parameter defaults to the default package’s CGI Access setting. ItemFour y
frontpage string Whether Microsoft® FrontPage® Extensions exist on the account. ItemFour n
maxftp string The account’s maximum number of FTP accounts. This parameter defaults to unlimited. ItemFour 0
maxsql string The account’s maximum number of SQL databases. This parameter defaults to unlimited. ItemFour 0
maxpop string The account’s maximum number of email addresses. This parameter defaults to unlimited. ItemFour 0
maxlst string The account’s maximum number of Mailman mailing lists. This parameter defaults to unlimited. ItemFour 0
maxsub string The account’s maximum number of subdomains. This parameter defaults to unlimited. ItemFour 0
bwlimit string The account’s bandwidth quota. This parameter defaults to unlimited. ItemFour 0
hasshell string Whether the account has shell access. This parameter defaults to the default package’s Shell Access value ItemFour y
owner string The WHM account that owns this account. This parameter defaults to the user who runs the script. ItemFour root
plan string The account’s hosting plan (package). This parameter defaults to unlimited. ItemFour default
maxpark string The account’s maximum number of parked domains (aliases). This parameter defaults to the selected package’s Maximum Parked Domains value. ItemFour unlimited
maxaddon string The account’s maximum number of addon domains. This parameter defaults to the selected package’s Maximum Addon Domains value. ItemFour unlimited
featurelist string The account’s feature list. This parameter defaults to the selected package’s Feature List value. A valid feature list name on the server. default
contactemail string The account’s contact email address. This parameter defaults to a null value. A valid email address. [email protected]
use_registered_nameservers string Whether to use the domain’s registered nameservers instead of the server’s nameservers. This parameter defaults to n.
  • y — Use the domain’s nameservers.
  • n — Use the server’s nameservers.
language string The account’s locale. This parameter defaults to the selected package’s Locale value. A valid locale name. en
spamassassin string Whether Apache SpamAssassin™ is enabled on the account.
We added this parameter in cPanel & WHM version 70.
This parameter defaults to y
  • y — Enabled.
  • n — Disabled.
spambox string Whether to enable Spam Box on the account.
  • You must enable Apache SpamAssassin if you call this parameter.
  • We added this parameter in cPanel & WHM version 80.
This parameter defaults to y (enabled).
  • y — Enabled.
  • n — Disabled.
max_emailacct_quota string The maximum quota for each email address in MB.
We added this parameter in cPanel & WHM version 70.
This parameter defaults to the selected package’s Max Quota per Email Address (MB) value.
  • A positive integer between 1 and ~.
  • ~ — Unlimited.

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