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The securemysql Script  Испечати


The /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/securemysql script secures a cPanel account’s MySQL® configuration. To do this, the script performs the following actions:

  • Confirms that MySQL’s root password exists.

  • Changes the var/db/mysql and var/lib/mysql directories’ ownership to the mysql user.

  • Removes the anonymous and remote root users.

  • Removes the test database.

  • Removes the database’s LOCK TABLES and TMP TABLES privileges.

To undo any changes that this script performs, create the /etc/securemysqldisable touch file.

Run the script

To use this script, run the following command as the root user:

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/securemysql [arguments] [actions]


The /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/securemysql script accepts the following arguments:

  • -a — Specify additional actions in a comma-separated list. For example:

    -a removeanon, removeremoteroot

    To perform all actions on a MySQL database, pass the -a argument without any additional actions.

    For a list of additional actions, view the Actions section below.


  • -F — Execute the script and do not display the help text.

  • -h — Display the help message.

  • -q — Execute the script in silent mode.


You can specify any of the following options in a comma-separated list with the -a argument:

  • removeanon —Remove any anonymous MySQL users.

  • removetestdb — Remove test database.

  • removelockntmp — Remove global LOCK TABLES permissions and create TMP TABLES privileges.

  • removeremoteroot — Remove remote root user login privileges.

  • removehordeallhosts — Remove insecure Horde login credentials and privileges.


    As of cPanel & WHM version 11.50, cPanel & WHM uses SQLite databases to store MySQL user data instead of Horde databases.


  • removehordeblankpass — Remove Horde database users that possess blank login passwords.


    As of cPanel & WHM version 11.50, cPanel & WHM uses SQLite databases to store MySQL user data instead of Horde databases.

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