
The php_fpm_config Script  Print


The /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/php_fpm_config script installs configuration files when you manually edit the PHP-FPM configuration files. This script also helps to troubleshoot problems in the PHP-FPM system.

This is only available to users with root privileges.

The /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/php_fpm_config scripts

To use this script, run the following command as the root user:

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/php_fpm_config --rebuild [--domain=domain] --check [--json]


Option Description Example
--rebuild [--domain=domain] The --rebuild option rebuilds all FPM configuration files and Apache vhost entries according to the values in the user’s domain php-fpm.yaml files.

When you add the --domain=domain argument, the system restricts the --rebuild operation to only a single domain.
The --domain=domain argument is optional.
/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/php_fpm_config --rebuild --domain=domain
--check [--json] The --check option scans all configuration and .yaml files for any inconsistencies, then outputs an inventory of all known cPanel FPM configurations and status. It will also output any errors.

It may also indicate that the .conf file in the php-fpm.d directory is older than the .yaml file. If the system indicates this, run the script with the --rebuild option.
  • The output of this check defaults to human-readable format. The --json argument displays output in JSON format.
  • The --json argument is optional.
/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/php_fpm_config --check --json
--convert_all The --convert_all option identifies all domains on a system and enables PHP-FPM on them. This script turns on PHP-FPM for all accounts.

If your domain’s PHP is set to Inherit, the system converts it to the default PHP handler for the system. Then the system enables PHP-FPM for the specified account(s).
We strongly recommend that you only activate Apache PHP-FPM if your server has at least 2 GB of RAM available, or at least 30 MB of RAM per domain. If you enable PHP-FPM on a server with less than the required RAM, your server may experience severe performance issues.
/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/php_fpm_config --convert_all
Orphaned files represent configuration files in the php-fpm.d directory that cPanel does not manage. They may represent the source of any problems you encounter.

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