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The onboot_handler Script  Imprimeix aquest Article


When the system boots, it runs the /usr/local/cpanel/bin/onboot_handler script. This script runs all of the scripts that exist in the /var/cpanel/on_boot and /usr/local/cpanel/libexec/on_boot directories. This allows a system administrator to easily manage scripts that they wish to run after the system starts.

The on_boot directory

System administrators should save scripts that they wish to run when the system boots in the /var/cpanel/on_boot directory.

If the directory does not already exist, run the following command as the root user to create it:

mkdir -p /var/cpanel/on_boot

cPanel & WHM saves any internal or development scripts to run on boot in the /usr/local/cpanel/libexec/on_boot directory. Do not save any scripts in this directory.

The cron job

The system uses the following entry in the root user’s crontab file to run the /usr/local/cpanel/bin/onboot_handler script:

@reboot /usr/local/cpanel/bin/onboot_handler

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