
The find_outdated_services Script  Prindi artikkel


After a system update, cPanel & WHM runs the /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/find_outdated_services script. This script checks all services to determine whether they require a restart. An outdated service is any service that depends on a library that is no longer present on the system.


This script does not restart the following services:

  • NetworkManager

  • network

  • dbus

  • auditd

Run the script

To run this script on the command line, use the following format:

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/find_outdated_services [options]


Use the following options with this script:

  • --always-restart — The script locates and restarts any outdated services.

  • --never-restart — The script locates any outdated services but will not restart them.

  • --auto — By default, the script uses this option when it runs as part of the /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/maintenance script. It will locate and restart any outdated services. If the /var/cpanel/disabled/auto-restart-services touchfile exists, the system will not restart any outdated services.

The ignore_outdated_services file

The /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/find_outdated_services script uses this file to exclude certain services from the script’s check.


The /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/find_outdated_services script does not apply this exclusion list to the chkservd or restartsrv services.

To exclude a service from this script, add it to the /etc/cpanel/local/ignore_outdated_services file. This file uses the following format:

  • Use the pound character (#) at the beginning of a line to mark it as a comment.

  • Enter only one service per line.


    The service name must match its name as it appears in the process table. Use the ps command with the necessary flags to list processes (for example, ps -aux).


  • Use Unix line endings to separate the entries.

  • The system skips blank lines.

For example, this file’s contents would resemble the following:

# Prevent cPanel from checking about the cloud-init service


We want to block the cloud-init and cloud-final services from restart checks. Create the /etc/cpanel/local directory:

mkdir -p /etc/cpanel/local


Create the /etc/cpanel/local/ignore_outdated_services file and add the cloud-init and cloud-final services with the following command:

echo -e "# Prevent cPanel from checking the cloud-init and cloud-final services\ncloud-init\ncloud-final" >> /etc/cpanel/local/ignore_outdated_services

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