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The ccs-check Script  Испечати


The /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/ccs-check script manages maintenance for the The Calendar and Contacts Server (CCS) plugin. You can run this script after you install the CCS plugin on your server. This script allows CCS to run with your server’s SSL certificate. To complete this action, the script copies SSL/TLS certificate data to the /opt/cpanel-ccs/conf CCS directory. Then, the script allows the server to read that directory.

Run the script

To run this script on the command line, use the following format:

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/ccs-check [options]


Use the following options with this script:


To run the script, you must always the --ssl and --run options.

  • --force — Copies the SSL certificate data into a specific CCS directory. The script overlooks whether CCS is already installed on the server.

      /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/ccs-check --run --ssl --force


  • --help — Shows information about the script.

      /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/ccs-check --help


  • --norestart — Lets the system update SSL information without a CCS restart.

      /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/ccs-check --run --ssl --norestart


  • --run — Runs the script in the background.

      /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/ccs-check --run --ssl


  • --ssl — Copies the SSL certificate data into a specific CCS directory.

      /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/ccs-check --run --ssl

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