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The backup_restore_manager Script  Stampa Articolo


The /usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup_restore_manager script manages the backup restoration queue. You can use this script to:

  • Show the current state of the backup restoration process.

  • Add or remove users from the restoration queue.

  • Show which accounts the system is restoring.

  • Remove finished restorations from the queue.

Run the script

To run this script on the command line, use the following format:

/usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup_restore_manager [options]


  • activate — Process the current queue.

      /usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup_restore_manager activate


  • add — Add a cPanel account to the restoration queue for a specific date.

      /usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup_restore_manager add user=username restore_point=2018-03-25


    • Pass the user option with this option to specify the cPanel account to add.
    • Pass the restore-point option with this option to add a specific restoration date. Enter the date in YYYY-MM-DD human-readable format, where:
      • YYYY is the year.
      • MM is the month.
      • DD is the day.
  • destid — The backup source’s destination ID.

      /usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup_restore_manager add user=username restore_point=2018-03-25 destination_id=0BRL4p7lZnfoCsaH8xj6821P
    • You can only combine this option with the add option.

    • This option’s default value is local.


  • give_ip — Assign the cPanel account a dedicated IP address during the backup restoration process.

      /usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup_restore_manager add user=username restore_point=2018-03-25 give_ip=1
    • You can only combine this option with the add option.

    • This option’s default value is 0.


  • mail_config — Restores the cPanel account’s email configuration.

      /usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup_restore_manager add user=username restore_point=2018-03-25 mail_config=1
    • You can only combine this option with the add option.

    • This option’s default value is 0.


  • mysql — Restores the cPanel account’s MySQL® databases.

      /usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup_restore_manager add user=username restore_point=2018-03-25 mysql=1
    • You can only combine this option with the add option.

    • This option’s default value is 0.


  • subdomains — Restores any subdomains that appear in the cPanel account’s backup.

      /usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup_restore_manager add user=username restore_point=2018-03-25 subdomains=1
    • You can only combine this option with the add option.

    • This option’s default value is 0 and will restore aliases when set to 0.


  • delete — Delete a user from the pending restoration queue.

      /usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup_restore_manager delete user=username


Pass the user option to specify the cPanel account to delete.

  • delete_all_failed — Delete all failed entries in the finished restoration queue.

      /usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup_restore_manager delete_all_failed


  • delete_all_finished — Delete all passed entries in the finished restoration queue.

      /usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup_restore_manager delete_all_finished


  • delete_all_pending — Delete all entries in the pending queue.

      /usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup_restore_manager delete_all_pending


  • delete_all_regardless — Delete all entries in all queues regardless of their status.

      /usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup_restore_manager delete_all_regardless


  • delete_finished — Delete a user from the finished restorations queue.

      /usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup_restore_manager delete_finished user=username start_time=1355336425


    • Pass the user option with this option to specify the cPanel account to delete.
    • Pass the start_time option with this option to specify the cPanel account to delete.
    • Enter the date in Universal Time, Coordinated (UTC) format.
  • is_active — Shows whether a current restoration process is in progress.

      /usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup_restore_manager is_active


  • list — Show all entries in the restoration queue.

      /usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup_restore_manager list


  • list_active— Show the currently restoring accounts.

      /usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup_restore_manager list_active


  • list_finished — Show all accounts with completed backup restorations.

      /usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup_restore_manager list_finished


  • state— Show all restoration information and determine the status of the restoration process.

      /usr/local/cpanel/bin/backup_restore_manager state

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