Biblioteca de cunoștințe

Filter Incoming Emails by Country  Tipărire


This interface allows you to filter your server’s incoming email by region or country.

For example, you could use this feature to allow mail only from a single country. The server blocks email messages when the origin is a server in another country.


Countries table

This table includes a list of countries and regions. To block email messages, disable the Allowed toggle for that country.

  • Country Name ⁠— This column lists each country and region from which to block email messages.

  • Allowed ⁠— This column lists whether a country can send email messages to your server.

    • Enable the toggle to allow email messages from that country.

    • Disable the toggle to block email messages from that country.

To allow or block every country, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the Select All checkbox at the top left of the interface.

  2. Click Allow Selected to allow the selected countries. Alternatively, click Block Selected to block them.

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