
Remote Access Key  Print denne artikel


  • We deprecated this interface in cPanel & WHM version 64. We strongly suggest that you use WHM’s Manage API Tokens interface (WHM >> Home >> Development >> Manage API Tokens).

  • This interface only appears if you enable the Allow deprecated WHM accesshash authentication setting in the Security section of WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (WHM >> Home >> Server Configuration >> Tweak Settings).

  • To convert your access hash to an API token, use the /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/convert_accesshash_to_token script.

You can use this feature to generate an access key, which is also known as an access hash. You can use this access key for automatic account creation scripts, external billing software, and to allow servers in your DNS or configuration clusters to exchange records.

Generate a new access key

To generate a new access key, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Generate New Key.
  2. Copy and paste the new access key to the appropriate file or location on the remote server(s) that need to communicate with your web server.
    • To configure a DNS server cluster, read our DNS Cluster documentation.
    • To configure a configuration cluster, read our Configuration Cluster documentation.

You can view the access hash via the command line in the /root/.accesshash file.

Access Key Signature

The Access Key Signature includes the first 32 characters of the remote access key, separated by colons (:).

You can use this signature to quickly check whether you used the correct access key in interfaces that display the key in a shortened format.

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