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Rearrange an Account  Imprimer cet article


This interface allows you to change which home directory stores an account. You can use this feature when, for example, a hard drive begins to run out of space and your server contains an additional hard drive.

If a script relies on a hardcoded path to a resource that you move, you must update that path to use the new location or the script will fail.

Rearrange an account

To change an account’s hard drive, perform the following steps:

  1. Select a domain from the Domains menu or select a user from the Users menu.

  2. Click Rearrange.

  3. Select the home directory in which you wish to store the account.


    The new home directory must exist in one of the following settings in WHM’s Basic WebHost Manager Setup interface (WHM >> Home >> Server Configuration >> Basic WebHost Manager Setup):

    • Additional home directories matching the following value will also be used for new home directory creations.

    • Enter the location where you wish for new users’ home directories to be created. settings


  4. Click Move Account.

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