
Password Modification  Skriv ut denna artikeln


This interface allows you to change the passwords for your reseller and cPanel accounts. Administrators can set a new password without the original password. This becomes useful when users lose, forget, or compromise their password.

You cannot retrieve passwords. If a user loses or forgets a password, you must create a new password.

Change password

To change an account’s password, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the account for which to change the password.
  2. Enter and confirm the new password in the appropriate text boxes.
    Use a secure password. A secure password is not a dictionary word, and it contains uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
  3. Select Synchronize MySQL password to use the same password for both MySQL® and the cPanel account.
    This option only appears if the the .my.cnf file exists in the /home/USERNAME directory where USERNAME represents the account’s username.
  4. Select Enable Digest Authentication to enable digest authentication support. This option allows you to access Web Disk through a clear text connection or an unencrypted connection. Users who run Microsoft® Windows Vista®, Windows® 7, or Windows® 8, and who do not possess an SSL certificate signed by a recognized certificate authority require this support.
  5. Click Change Password.

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