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ICANN Domain Ownership Verification Email  پرینت این مقاله

Changes that have occurred within the Registrars Accreditation Agreement (RAA- Registrar Accreditation Agreement) in 2013, influenced the principles of storing information in the WHOIS database . Their effects relate directly to subscribers domain names. If after January 1st 2014 made ​​the registration, transfer or update domain data, you will receive an important message. It will contain a link that you must click within 15 days to confirm your e-mail address.

The process of verification:

1. Message verifying data (title: " RAA verification mail " ) is sent as soon as the e-mail address when registering in the Client Panel is linked to the domain. If verification is not performed effectively, an additional reminder will be sent in the 7th and 14th day of the expiring term.

2. E-mail verification will be sent by the Registrar. Received by each registrant a new domain, transfer an address or changing data.

3. During the 15-day review period, the domain will function normally. Registrants will be able to freely use the address.

4. When the e-mail address will be verified, subsequent registrations, transfers and data changes using it will no longer require verification.

5. According to the guidelines ICANN annually domain subscriber receives an e-mail. The status of the service will be monitored. If the e-mail will not be delivered the address is correct matter will be heard again and will take appropriate steps.

If the subscriber fails to verification at the designated time, will change the domain's DNS addresses and it will no longer be sent to the existing website.

Changes implemented by ICANN is another step that shows how important accurate contact information Subscriber domain. We hope that everyone understands these actions and the need to adapt to new requirements.

If you have any doubts or questions about this new process, we encourage you to contact your domain registrar.

- See more at: http://blog.domeny.pl/wazny-komunikat-weryfikacja-informacji-whois/#sthash.6OHV1f6q.dpuf

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