
Certificate Signing Requests  Print this Article


This feature allows you to generate, view, or delete a certificate signing request.


Generate a New Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

To generate a CSR:

  1. Under the Generate a New Certificate Signing Request (CSR) heading, select the key from the Key menu.
    • When you select a key, the View & Edit option appears. Click the link to view and edit the information for your private key.
    • If the desired key does not appear in the menu, you may need to use to Private Keys feature to add a new private key. See the Private Keys documentation for more information.
  2. Enter the required information in the fields below the Key menu.
  3. Click the Generate button.

 Remember: You must have a key prior before you generate a signing request.





Remove a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

To delete a CSR:


  1. Under the Certificate Signing Requests on Server heading, click the Delete link in the Actions column next to the corresponding host. You will be taken to a new screen.
    • delete_a_csr.png
  2. Click the Delete CSR button to confirm. A message of success or failure will appear.


Edit and View Details about a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

You can view and edit the current description. You can also view the encoded private key and decoded private key.

To edit a description or view a CSR:

  1. Under the Certificate Signing Requests on Server heading, click Edit & View in the Actions column next to the corresponding host. You will be taken to a new screen where you can see the description, the encoded CSR, and the decoded CSR. You can copy and paste this information.
    • edit_and_view_a_csr.png
  2. Edit the Description: field, and then click the Update Name button. A message of success or failure will appear next to the Description: field.




  • Your hosting provider may require additional information.


  • Some certificate authorities may not accept special characters in the Company and Company Division field. If your company name includes symbols other than a period or a comma, check with your certificate authority to confirm that they are acceptable

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