
Review Transfers and Restores  Print this Article


This interface allows you to review your server’s transfer and restore logs.

Transfer logs

This interface displays transfers that use the current transfer system in the Transfer Session Logs section. The interface displays transfers that use WHM’s Transfer or Restore a cPanel Account interface (WHM >> Home >> Transfers >> Transfer or Restore a cPanel Account). The Completed Sessions section contains the finished transfer sessions, while the Pending Sessions section contains in progress or stalled sessions.

  • The /usr/local/cpanel/logs/backup_restore_manager_log file is the restoration process’s log file.
  • The /usr/local/cpanel/logs/backup_restore_manager_error_log file is the restoration process’s error log.

Log rotation

If no activity occurs in a pending transfer for two hours, the system sets the transfer to failed.

The /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/expunge_expired_transfer_sessions script removes session logs after 30 days. It runs during nightly maintenance.

The xferdebug touch file

If you cannot resolve your transfers’ issues via the standard transfer and restore logs, read our Touch File for Additional Transfer and Restore Log Diagnostic Entries documentation.

Session information

The session transfer tables display the following attributes:

  • Session — The transfer’s session ID.
  • Initiator — The process that initiated the transfer.
  • Source Host — The server hostname from which the system transferred the account.
  • Start Time — The transfer session’s start time in the Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss format:
    • YYYY represents the year.
    • MM represents the month
    • DD represents the day.
    • hh represents the hour.
    • mm represents the minute.
    • ss represents the second.
  • End Time — The transfer session’s end time in the UTC YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss format:
    • YYYY represents the year.
    • MM represents the month
    • DD represents the day.
    • hh represents the hour.
    • mm represents the minute.
    • ss represents the second.
  • Actions — You can perform the following actions:
    • Review — Look for a completed transfer or restoration. This will include links to the transfer and restore logs.
    • View — Examine the log file for a transfer or restoration that is pending or in progress. This can help you diagnose and resolve issues.
    • Cancel — Cancel a pending transfer or restoration.

Account interfaces

Click Review or View to navigate to the appropriate interface for the transfer or restoration.

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